ShipPlus - WooCommerce Advanced Shipping & Logistic

Shipping Conditions

Create conditional logic based on WooCommerce properties to control shipping and checkout pages.

  • Customise shipping conditions and rules
  • Control payment gateway with logics like shipping rules, product weights, cart totals, and much more
  • Restrict payment gateway options
  • Customise shipping rules and rates based on package locations.

And much more options with ShipPlus’s shipping condition feature.

Shipping Condition Features

ShipPlus allows you to customise checkout and shipping details based on customer and product data.

Shipping Method Conditions

Disable, restrict or hide shipping method in your checkout page by using conditional logic with ShipPlus. Customise costs and handling charges also. You can customise conditions based on item weight, quantity, cart total, and other 14+ shipping based options.

Payment Gateway Conditions

Enable or disable payment gateway methods for every product of your store based on your needs. Customise advanced conditions and logics based on customer cart amount, product tags, order total, and other 17+ payment based options.

Location based Conditions

Control your products and shipments based on their country, state, and postcodes. ShipPlus allows you to create location based conditions and logics with more than 16+ logic options.

About ShipPlus - Conditional Shipping

Selling your products online using WooCommerces implies having to deal with different shipping fees for each country, state or specific areas by postal code. With ShipPlus, you can make easily manage your Shipping, Logistics & Store Management issues within few clicks. With ShipPlus, you can customise and enhance working of many core functions of WooCommerce. 

It is not just a Shipping solution for your WooCommerce Store, ShipPlus enhances functionality of WooCommerce with it’s easy to use and innovative features. If you are struggling to manage your WooCommerce store, Product shipping, order management, or product deliveries? then Check out all 20+ advanced features of ShipPlus.

Conditional shipping is one of the core function of ShipPlus. It allows you to restrict the shipping methods, payment gateways, and shipping locations on your WooCommerce store with smart logics. Some of the examples are,

  • Make free shipping based on product weight, class, order total and much more.
  • Prevent customer to use coupon codes or place orders based on their timings, locations and much more.
  • You can restrict shipping methods based on total weight of the order package
  • You can change available payment gateways to customer based on their locations.
  • You can add or remove shipping handling fees based on their product category.

Above these are just some of the examples that you can achieve with ShipPlus.

With more than 50+ combined logics and conditions, You can create complex shipping pages to manage your store orders more easily.

Control Shipping Methods

Shipping Method controls allow you to conditionally hide certain shipping methods, or display a notice when customers attempt to use them.

Control Payment Gateways

Payment Gateway controls allow you to conditionally hide certain payment gateways, or display a notice when customers attempt to use them.

Control Shipping Location

Shipping Location controls allow you to conditionally prevent customers from shipping their order to specific countries or states.

Application Methods

Conditions and logics can be applied Global and separate method. Global application will apply rules across all store products. Separate method will allow you to set logics for chosen products.

Customer Notices

ShipPlus allows you to showcase condition notices on your checkout and payment process pages. You can give better instructions about shipping logics to customers using notices.

Logic Calculations

ShipPlus calculates all logics automatically to show compatible shipping and payment methods. It chooses the cheapest shipping charges automatically. You can choose to enable or disable auto calculations.

Available Rules - Conditional Shipping

ShipPlus allows you to create conditional logics using more than 18+ rules. You can create advanced setup by making group of rules. It allows you to create advanced shipping conditions with a easy to use interface.


Add rules like, if the package contains products with backorders or not. It will allow you to manage out of stock product’s shipping, payments and locations.

Billing Country / State

Add shipping conditions by creating country and state based rules. It allows you to enable or disable orders and payment gateway from chosen countries.

Billing Postcode

Add shipping conditions by creating postcodes/zip code based rules. It allows you to enable or disable orders and payment gateway for that location.

Cart Quantity

Enable or disable shipping and payment options based on the total items quantity in cart. 

Order Total

Add rules based on cart’s subtotal. Restrict shipping, payments, and locations based on order total.

On Sale

ShipPlus allows you to add conditions which are satisfied if package contains product from sale or not.

Cart Subtotal

Add rules based on cart’s subtotal. Restrict shipping, payments, and locations based on cart subtotal.

Cart Total

Add rules based on cart’s subtotal. Restrict shipping, payments, and locations based on cart total.


Restrict shipping options and payment gateways based on product’s category. It will allow you to


Control shipping and payment gateway based on what coupon code customer is applying. You can add rules based on active coupons with ShipPlus.

Customer Role

Apply shipping rules, payment gateway options, and location rules based on customer role. Apply different conditions for various user WordPress & WooCommerce user roles.


Apply shipping rules, payment gateway options, and location rules directly to customer. Apply different conditions for targeted customer directly using their email. Use it to sell a vip membership across all products for discounts.

Data / Time

Crete rules and conditions for a fixed data or time. It will force rules during that specific time or data only.

Item Count

Enable or disable shipping and payment options based on the count of items added in cart. 

Package Weight

Create weight based rules to manage shipping. You can restrict payment gateway and shipping options based on total weight of the package.

Shipping Location

Add shipping conditions by creating customer’s shipping location address. It allows you to enable or disable orders and payment gateway based on shipping address.

Shipping Class

Add shipping conditions by creating shipping class based rules. It allows you to control shipping prices and payment gateways for whole shipping class.

Shipping Postcode

Add shipping conditions by Customer’s shipping postcodes/zip code based rules. It allows you to enable or disable orders and payment gateway for that location.

Shipping Method

Make rules like, conditions are satisfied when particular shipping methods are chosen by customer. It allows you to update shipping and payment options based on shipping methods.