Create Order and stock notifications with ShipPlus. Stay updated for every orders and manage your store with a easy to use setup.
And much more options with ShipPlus’s shipping condition feature.
Send email updates about new orders. It allows you to get notified quickly whenever a new order is placed.
You can send email updates about product’s inventory with ShipPlus. It allows you to create notifications when product stock is low or out of stock and much more.
It allows you to send notifications to WooCommerce user roles. You can assign notifications to your store managers, product suppliers and much more.
You can send notifications to custom recipients like
Selling your products online using WooCommerces implies having to deal with different shipping, inventory management, store management and much more. With ShipPlus, you can make easily manage your Shipping, Logistics & Store Management issues within few clicks. With ShipPlus, you can send email notifications about new orders and product inventory. It allows you to send notifications to your store managers, product suppliers and assigned custom roles. You can update your recipients about new orders, out of stock products, products with low stocks and much more.
It is not just a Shipping solution for your WooCommerce Store, ShipPlus enhances functionality of WooCommerce with it’s easy to use and innovative features. If you are struggling to manage your WooCommerce store, Product shipping, order management, or product deliveries? then Check out all 20+ advanced features of ShipPlus.
Order Notifications is one of the core function of ShipPlus. It allows you to send notifications about orders and stock to recipients. Some of the examples are,
Above these are just some of the examples that you can achieve with ShipPlus.
It works using action triggers and application methods. You can assign 4 types of triggers that send notifications automatically.
Email Updates
ShipPlus allows you to send emails about Order and Stock notifications to WooCommerce recipients. You can send order updates about shop managers and third party service providers.
You can use these notifications for shop manager notice, staff updates, sending stock info about supplier, sending order info to drop shippers and much more.
Auto Notifications
Assign triggers to send emails to recipients. You can chose to send emails automatically when order status is updated.
Notification Details
You can customise the notification information for every recipient. It allows you to add every detail about order in the notification.
Action Triggers
You can chose 4 types of action triggers for notifications,
Purchase Trigger
It allows you to send notifications when order is placed by customer.
Category Trigger
It allows you to send notifications when order is placed with a specific chosen category.
Shipping Class Trigger
It allows you to send notifications when order is placed with a specific shipping class.
Custom Trigger
You can assign triggers directly to specific products. Notifications are sent when such products are purcahsed.
Notification Manager
You can manage all your recipients and notices from Manager page. It allows you to manage all notification operations from one place.
Stock notifications
You can send notifications about product stock info. Setup stock notifications to update your product supplier whenever product is below min stock threshold or out of stock.
Backorder notifications
You can send notifications for product backorders with ShipPlus too. It sends notifications about backorders to product suppliers and store managers.