ShipPlus - WooCommerce Advanced Shipping & Logistic

Documents & Invoices

Create and Manage your order invoices with advanced features and easy to use setup. It allows you to create invoices, packing slips, PDFs and pick lists of your WooCommerce orders.

  • Print order invoices and other order details.
  • Email order invoices and attach documents in your Emails.
  • Add invoices page in My account and orders page.
  • Customise templates
  • Download invoices in PDF format

And much more options with ShipPlus’s order invoices feature.

Order Invoices Features

ShipPlus allows you to print invoices manually and in-bulk, attach invoice pdf, send email updates and much more.

Invoices Manager

It allows you to handle order invoice, packing lists, pick lists, and pdf from WooCommerce orders page for admins and allow customers to access it from my account page.

Print Documents

It helps you manage your invoices to print in bulk from WooCommerce admin. it will help you with easy order fulfilment and order management.

Email Documents

You can send email updates about order and attach important order documents along. It helps in providing important information to customer about order purchases. You can attach invoices as a PDF in mails.

Template Customisation

Customise your invoices and emails using ShipPlus. Our in-depth documentation will help you customising template alongside many customisation options available in ShipPlus.

Customer Pages

Add new tabs for Customer pages. Add download invoice options under Recent orders and my orders page.

About ShipPlus - Order Invoices

Selling your products online using WooCommerces implies having to deal with different shipping fees for each country, state or specific areas by postal code. With ShipPlus, you can make easily manage your order invoices, invoice PDFs, packing slips and pick lists within few clicks. With ShipPlus, you can customise and enhance working of many core functions of WooCommerce. 

It is not just a Shipping solution for your WooCommerce Store, ShipPlus enhances functionality of WooCommerce with it’s easy to use and innovative features. If you are struggling to manage your WooCommerce store, Product shipping, order management, or product deliveries? then Check out all 20+ advanced features of ShipPlus.

Order invoice is one of the core function of ShipPlus. It allows you to manage order invoices and other important order related documents. Some of the examples are,

  • Attach PDF invoices in Emails
  • Print Invoices and other order documents.
  • Add invoice tab in WooCommerce my account and order pages.
  • Customise invoice and email templates
  • Add 5 new type of email updates in WooCommerce emails 

Above these are just some of the examples that you can achieve with ShipPlus Order Invoices.

Note – We recommend you to get all legal information about customising invoices in your country. Our documentation or demo pages does not include any legal information about customising invoices.


Manage your invoices with ShipPlus Order invoices feature. It allows you to customise information and design of invoices.

Packing Slips

Manage your packing slips with ShipPlus. It allows you to customise data shown in packing slips and also print them for order fulfilments.

Pick List

Store and manage your product inventory using a Pick List. ShipPlus allows you to email and print pick lists with advanced options.

Invoice PDFs

You can attach order invoices in PDF format with your mails. Customer can have their invoice downloaded in their device or email account after order is processed.

Woo Pages

ShipPlus adds invoices tab under WooCommerce my account page. Customers can access their order invoice from their order section.

Invoice Templates

Customise invoice templates with ShipPlus. It allows you to add headers, footer and other important information using a theme customiser.

Email Updates

Send email updates about invoices after order status is updated or order is processed. It allows you to send email updates with different order status.

Sorting & filters

You can sort and filters documents in your dashboard. You can edit documents in bulk too.

Sequential Order Numbers

You can setup sequential order numbers for invoices and other documents. It allows you to arrange and manage invoices in a more easy way.

VAT / Tax details

You can include VAT and tax details in your PDF with ShipPlus. It allows you to share important purchase details to your customers.

Error Troubleshooting

It has a in built troubleshooting environment to check testing and setup errors.

PDF formats

ShipPlus allows you to customise some advanced options with PDF formats. You can customise every PDF detail based on your requirements.

Invoice PDFs

Attach Invoices in PDF format into your Emails. It is a easy and convenient way to share order invoices with customers.

Email Templates

Customise email templates with ShipPlus. It follows default WooCommerce email templates. You can customise details and design of email temapltes.