WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Product Gallery

Formerly Known as IWP Swatches (IWPS)


IWPS is Compatible Across Platform With Latest WordPress & WooCommerce Updates.



Visual Composer

WP Bakery

Elementor Pro

IWPS Plugin Working

Discover the main features that made our WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Product Gallery Plugin one of the most advanced!

Variation Swatches

Product Gallery

Archives / Shop Page

IWPS Advanced Settings

Page Speed Enhancement

Image Customizations

Plugin Features

Discover the main features that made our WooCommerce Swatches And Product Gallery Plugin one of the most advanced!

Customize Your Product Page

Convert the default WooCommerce product page into a high-end, responsive & interactive product page that leads to more sales with our advanced features.

Dropdowns To Beautiful Swatches

Automatically Convert Default WooCommerce Dropdown Variations into beautiful and responsive variation swatches. Add different types of swatches like images, colors & more to enhance your product page.

Additional Product Gallery

Enhance your product pages with beautiful IWPS designs and customizing options. Make your product page stand out more with our advanced features.

WooCommerce Shop Pages

Customize default WooCommerce archives and search result pages with IWPS. Give your customer ease of access to make better conversions and sales.

Features Explanation

Experience the power of IWP Swatches For WooCommerce

Device Responsive

IWPS is responsive to different screen sizes. It is compatible with mobile, tablet & computer screen sizes. You can customize plugin settings for different screen sizes separately.

Third-Party WooCommerce

It is compatible with Third-Party WooCommerce features related plugins like, currency switcher, Checkout customizers, badges, and more.

Third-Party Page Builders

It is compatible with Third-Party page builders like Elementor, Elementor Pro, Divi, Visual Composer, Beaver Builder & much more.

Import / Export

IWPS allows you to import/export plugin attribute and gallery data. Also, If you are using any other variation swatches plugin then you can transport all your data to IWPS within few clicks.

Device Breakpoints

You can fix screen size as a breakpoint, It will allow you to set different dimensions settings for different screen sizes to make the product page compatible with different devices.

Sharable Links

You can create Sharable link for every variation selected. You can create sharable link based on product attributes. Checkout the demo here.

Group Variations

It allows you to make different groups of the same range of variations, For example – you can add product colors but with groups like matte, glossy & base.


You can add both text and images in tooltips. Also, you can choose to show tooltips or not separately for every attribute.

Gallery Videos

Add both, self-hosted and third-party hosted videos in the product gallery. It allows you to add videos with product images. Also, you can customize video appearances with various setting options available.

Product Stock Availability

IWPS allows you to show products according to stock availability, if products are in stock or backorders are allowed, only then swatches will be visible otherwise buyers will get not available message.

Types of Swatches

Enhance default WooCommerce variations with IWPS to make different types of swatches like image, color, dual color, Radio Buttons, and dropdowns.


If your product has too many variations that you cannot show on the archives page directly, Then you can limit the visibility of variations with Variation Limiter.


Add tooltips on variation swatches to show a preview of the selected product image.

Gallery Formats

IWPS allows you to change gallery formats, thumbnail layouts, Zoom icons, Lightbox, Dimensions, Animations, and much more.

Archives Variation Swatches

Add product’s active variations swatches into WooCommerce Archives and search result pages with IWPS. You can add all types of swatches into archives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Perhaps you've encountered a common issue or have a quick question.

type of variation swatches?

You can make color, multicolor, image, button, radio, dropdown, group and text based variation swatches with IWPS.

Can i add videos in gallery?

Yes, from youtube, vimeo and self-hosted platforms.

How images change with variations?

IWPS is 3 in 1 plugin. It also changes gallery images and product image with variation selection. Example – If buyer chooses white color swatch of any clothing product then product’s main image and gallery will only show images for white product.

Where i can find about all plugin features?

Here is the features page.

What about Search / Shop Page?

IWPS shows swatches on shop page also. You can control what attributes to show and also you can control how many attributes to show. You can control stock info also.

Is it compatible with Export/Import?


Does the plugin support Ajax loading?

Yes, the plugin supports Ajax loading.

Product Stock Info?

You can manage stock info with IWPS. You can show stock info at different locations and also add animations for not available products.

Does it show in product QuickView?


What are the 3 main functions?

IWPS lets you customize WooCommerce Product Gallery, Product Attributes & Shop pages. It adds extensive features that you can customize.

Does it affect my site speed?

IWPS is made to affect site speed as low as possible. And, It works well with caching  and speed optimizing plugins.